


飞机推动工艺与设计 - 第三课

Aircraft Propulsion Systems Technology and Design Edited by Gordon C. Oates University of Washington Seattle, WashingtonThis is the third of three volumes reviewing the application of aerodynamicand thermodynamic principles to the gas turbines used in aircraftpropulsion. The first volume ~ addresses cycle analysis and its use forestablishing the design and off-design behavior of engines. Pertinent elementsof the aerodynamic and thermodynamic theory applicable to enginesare also presented. It also reviews the basic concepts of rocket engines,The second volume 2 is primarily directed to the appropriate aerodynamicand thermodynamic phenomena associated with the components of propulsionengines. Important information about turbine cooling is included. Thisvolume also reveals the status of the continuingly developing techniques fornecessary boundary-layer analysis and includes a chapter about the aerodynamicdevelopment of engine noise. In addition, two chapters aredevoted to the combustion of fuel: one on the fundamentals and the otheron their application to afterburners.

